Greening - Links for Kids |
Interesting and fun sites for children.
EPA Environmental Kids Club – Drinking water experiments, activities, games, and resources for kids and teachers from the US EPA Office of Water Quality.
EPA Student Center – Provides environmental basics, club projects, careers, internships, youth awards, fun activities and information on ecosystems, air, and more.
PBS EekoWorld – Invites children to explore, experiment, and collaborate as they learn about conservation, the environment and the important role they play.
NRDC Green Squad – Four environmentally conscious students known as the "Green Squad," show how to identify and solve environmental problems.
National Geographic Kids – Features different people, animals, and places each month with facts, games, activities, and related links.
Custom Boxes Now - recyle those boxes – pages aimed at kids: Games and Activities, Learn Fun Facts, etc.
The Water Page – Tips for kids on water conservation.
RecycleWorks Kids – San Mateo, CA resource page for kids.
Polymer-Search – Links to science project ideas.
Energy Kids – U.S. Energy Administration's resource page for kids.